The mission is a message.
The Lord sent His disciples out to tell the world that He had risen from the dead (Matt 28:18-20). They were a small band of uneducated men, unlikely leaders from whom no one would have expected much. Yet, the message they had been sent out to proclaim had changed their lives.
From these eleven came news that made waves throughout the Roman Empire. Within 30 years of the Resurrection, Christianity was declared illegal. Within 80 years, so many had come to faith in Christ that Rome could hardly finance an empire-wide ban against the Christians. The gospel spread as far as present-day India to Spain, Russia to Egypt within a few decades of the Resurrection. One reason is because when the Lord said to go, His people went (Acts 2:28, 3:19, 8:22).
There were no stadium-packed rallies or great evangelists to set before the Roman world. The early church never created a gospel program or honed its evangelistic methods. They simply met together in homes and shared with their neighbors what they knew of Jesus Christ. It was entirely unspectacular by today’s standards, and yet this “strategy” influenced the Roman Empire. From commoners to political leaders of all ranks, men and women were turning to Christ for salvation.
Civil Servant Ministries exists to reach the political arena with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe the political arena is a mission field that God’s people should reach with this message. The gospel confronts sin and unrighteousness, but it goes further to offer hope. The good news is that man can be made right with God (Eph 2:13-16) if he will turn to Christ alone for his salvation (Acts 3:19; 1 Thes 1:9).
Can this message do what politics can’t? We believe so. Should the gospel take root in the lives of our political leaders and throughout our state, real change both now and forever will finally occur. Pray for the salvation of your leaders, and may God receive glory in accomplishing the impossible.